Yes, finally my monitor has been resurrected again once more. Before it became resurrect it can't watch every single movie that I had been downloaded from the internet. What a mess and a bored thing in front of my computer. You can't even see a picture clearly. The picture was very dark and you can't even sure what color was it? Very very obvious isn't it?
After my long journey from my house to Mangga 2 and vice versa also this day, very - very hectic traffic jam in Jakarta, and a lot of road damage in this beautiful city of pollution. With my big fat mercedes whom can travel around all over big cities in Indonesia.
In my way home I saw plenty of uniqueness in the road. From children that play around bellow the railway. Beggars around Jakarta. And this is the common view that around Jakarta is the traffic jam and the flood. Although the beggars is begging I don't see any of their suffer about this life in their eyes. Is frequently different from us, when you don't have any job or maybe your work have stress you up, and then your face had that kind of aura that makes people to avoid you.
Just like me. I'm just an ordinary man without job a.k.a jobless and still waiting the answer of Panasonic Gobel. I don't know why I still really enjoyed this era of my jobless. I already not unemployed almost 4 month from my resignation from Admosphere Creative Communications. Maybe I just picky with my jobs. Some of companies is already accepted me to joined with them, but I don't know I don't have any passion to join with them or sometimes you called it chemistry with the company.