Monday, December 01, 2008

update my blog


I wasn't update my blog for I think A month. Last post in my blog was posted in 25th October last month. And after I watched Max Payne. Damn I must practice my English again in everything, if I wanted to pass the exam in 13th December. Right now i'm still using my computer in my office to write this blog.

Don't have any idea here to write what kind of writing do I aim. hahaha....

Saturday, October 25, 2008

max Payne

max payne

Kesan pertama setelah mendengar 2 suku kata diatas adalah keren. Ya Keren adalah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan Max Payne. Tetapi setelah mengamati film ini lhooo koq jadi seperti film yang bergerne drama ya?? Dimana bullet timenya koq cuma dikit?? dimana kekerasannya??
lho koq aneh begini ya?

Ya setidaknya itu adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang akan muncul di benak anda bila ada seorang yang pernah memainkan Max payne ini. 

Max Payne baik dalam cerita ini ataupun filmnya adalah seorang detektif yang penasaran dan ingin menemukan siapakah yang membunuh anak dan istrinya. Pada film ini Lupino digambarkan bukan sebagai bos mafia melainkan menjadi seorang pejagal yang haus dengan darah akibat valkyr. Untuk orang yang belum perna memainkan game max payne ini saya kira pasti mati kebosanan menunggu action yang akan di mainkan oleh si Max ini. Akhir cerita dari Payne sebenarnya cukup membosankan dan membuat orang bertanya2 apakah akan ada Payne yang ke2 atau tidak ya? Bullet Time mungkin ini yang paling di tunggu oleh orang yang pernah memainkan Payne pasti ingat donk dengan click kanan langsung bullet time beraksi atau ctrl+shift ya(biasanya pakai yang click kanan doang untuk bullet time).

Karena dalam history perfilman Mark dia kebanyakan berkutat dengan film action yang banyak menampilkan adegan laga atau stunt2 yang menegangkan. Pada film ini mungkin ingin menekankan unsur drama dari pada unsur kekerasan. FYI untuk gamenya adalah rated M ( Mature ) karena banyak unsur kekerasan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Bayangan saya adalah ketika menyaksikan film style penyajian film ini akan seperti Sin City yang menampilkan comic strip darah yang dimana2.

Para aktor dan aktris yang mendukung film ini juga cukup terkenal selain Mark Wahlberg sebagai Payne ada beberapa juga yang lain

Mila Kunis...Mona Sax

Beau Bridges...BB Hensley
Ludacris...Jim Bravura (as Chris 'Ludacris' Bridges)

Chris O'Donnell...Jason Colvin

Donal Logue...Alex Balder

Amaury Nolasco...Jack Lupino
Kate Burton...Nicole Horne

Olga Kurylenko...Natasha
Rothaford Gray...Joe Salle

Joel Gordon...Owen Green

Jamie Hector...Lincoln DeNeuf

Andrew Friedman...Trevor

Marianthi Evans...Michelle Payne
Nelly Furtado...Christa Balder
sayang sekali menurut penulis para pemain ini aktingnya masih terlalu datar dan kurang menggigit. Jadinya film ini sedikit hambar. Sebenarnya banyak nama2 lama yang berseliweran seperti Olga yang menjadi Bond's girl pada Quantum of Solace,Chris O Donnel yang pernah bermain Batman & Robin, the bachelor serta beberapa film lainnya. Sayang si Chris muncul cuma untuk menjadi bual-bualan si Max.

Bila kita memperhatikan film ini secara seksama kita pasti akan menemukan nama - nama yang sedikit familiar dengan mitologi Norsk. Ya, banyak sekali nama mitologi Norsk yang keluar disini seperti Ragnarok ( di film di gambarkan dengan memenggal suku katanya menjadi Rag Na Rock),Valkyr, Asgar, Aesir.

Kalau anda seorang penggemar game Max Payne. Buang jauh2 deh pikiran ada bullet time banyak dan darah berseliweran dimana2 serta pain killer. Jauh dari expetasi anda sebagai gamers Payne. 

Friday, September 05, 2008

Hellboy 2

Hellboy 2

Ya sequel dari yang pertama masih di sutradai oleh Guillermo del Toro. Dalam Hellboy cerita dimulai pada saat Red kecil suka mendengarkan cerita tentang bumi sewaktu masih dalam ambisi manusia untuk menguasai dunia. Tapi pada cerita itu akhirnya ambisi manusia di gagalkan oleh kerajaan elf yang membangun golden army yang tidak bisa dihancurkan sama sekali oleh apapun.

Karena korban yang di timbulkan oleh golden army sangatlah banyak maka raja Elf menghentikan pengendalian golden army dan membagi alat pengendali yang berbentuk mahkota menjadi 3. Satu di pegang oleh manusia dan 2 lagi oleh bangsa elf. Tapi akibat dari pemecahan alat pengendali tersebut terjadi ketidak puasan dalam tubuh bangsa elf. Putra mahkota bangsa elf ( pangeran Nuada) berambisi untuk menyatukan mahkota tersebut dan melakukan genosida masal pada manusia. Alasannya karena mereka sudah mengotori bumi.

Intrik2 mulai muncul pada saat pangeran Nuada merebut potongan mahkota dari balai lelang. Disini kelihatan suatu plot yang pasti ada disetiap film action yakni keserakahan seseorang, ambisi seseorang dan niat seseorang dalam mendapatkan sesuatu untuk keuntungan sendiri dan mengorbankan orang banyak. Dia rela membunuh ayahnya untuk mendapatkan potongan tersebut. Lalu memburu potongan terakhir yang di simpan oleh putri Nuala.

Perburuan tersebut membuat sang putri bertemu dengan Red dan teman - temannya. Dan dalam suatu film pasti ada bumbu2 percintaan. Dalam film ini di gambarkan bahwa Red dan Liz terlibat cinta begitu juga Abe serta Putri Nuala. Perburuan terus berlanjut sampai Pangeran Nuada mendapatkan potongan terakhir dan berusaha untuk membangkitkan golden army yang berada di daerah pedalaman Inggris Raya. Dalam perburuan tersebut Red terluka karena bertarung dengan Nuada. Dalam perjalanan mencari penyembuh dari Red yang terluka. Team red bertemu dengan Archangel yang dapat menyembuhkannya, serta ramalan bahwa red kalau di sembuhkan dapat menghancurkan dunia.

Menurut saya sebagai seorang penikmat film adalah ini bagian yang paling seru yakni pertarungan kembali antara red dengan pangeran Nuada. Sempat terjadi konfilk disini karenan sang pangeran tidak dapat di tantang oleh seseorang yang tidak mempunyai darah ningrat ( dia meremehkan red karena red dikira tidak ada darah ningrat ). Disini action berkelahi dari Red yang mengandalkan power dilawan dengan Nuada yang mengandalkan speed dan agility. Sangat impresive sekali.

Overall jalan cerita yang ditawarkan oleh Hellboy2 ini kurang menarik plotnya. Lebih menarik yang pertama. Yang diunggulkan adalah special effect yang sangat menarik terutama di bagian golden armynya dan di scene tree of life yang tewas setelah di tembak oleh red sangat keren susah di sebutkan dengan kata2. Satu lagi yang disayangkan di Indonesia baru turun di release tanggal 10 September. Menurut saya ini terlalu lama jedanya dengan yang di US. Jadi seperti kehilangan momennya film ini menjadi basi. Bila anda seorang pencinta special effect dan penggila komik hellboy silahkan nonton film ini. Tapi bila anda seorang penikmat seperti saya nikmatilah film ini dengan sekotak popcorn hangat dan juga cola di tangan.

Monday, September 01, 2008


Demo di BUSWAY

Hore hari ini masuk jam 8 jadi aga santai kataku dalam hati bisa bangun lebih terlambat dibanding hari - hari sebelumnya. Tapi kenyataan selalu dapat dipastikan berkata lain. Yang ku harapkan adalah jam 7.15 sampai di halte dengan tenang menunggu 5 atau 10 menit dan wholaa jadi naek de sampai harmoni duduk manis disamping pak sopir yang sedang berkerja.

Tapi apa yang aku dapat taee lama banget nungguinnya jam 8 baru naek di busway, dan akhirnya sampe kantor telat! Yoi banget kan jakpot bros...

Yah memang mengenaskan fasilitas umum di Jakarta. Rencana dari pemkot memang sangat bagus dia memikirkan rakyatnya. Tapi sayang infrastrukturnya gembel abis..
kaya busway tuw sumpah gembel abis bus lama jalan rusak halte juga rusak adu gak ada yang bener gila di Jakarta ini.

Trus tadi sopir2nya pada demo lage duhh katanya masalah kesejahteraan. Masalah klasik yang terjadi kalo mo lebaran hahaha biar dapet lebih kale ya. Trus pas pulang kampung enak denkz duitnya banyak.

Friday, July 04, 2008

sepeda baru...

New Bike...

akhirnya sepeda baru cing...
miami xc yang gue beli....
berikut ini review gue dari sepeda ini...

Hm.. sebenernya saya beli sepeda ini 2nd dari seorang teman yang berada di parijs van java. Kondisi masi lumayan gress soalnya emang jarang banget dipakai sama temen saya. Setelah berpindah tangan dari teman saya ke saya.

Langsung di test drive aja ke rumah melalui medan yang berat naik turun fly over kemayoran dan juga underpass jalan angkasa. Wahh mantap abis ini sepeda tetap melibas jalanan jakarta yang seperti neraka akibat banyaknya lobang yang gak jelas dimana mana dan cumi2 hitam yang mengeluarkan asap hitamnya..

Setelah sampai di rumah mencoba untuk mengamati spek yang ada dan terpasang di sepeda...

Ternyata untuk shifter kanan itu sudah pakai altus ST-EF60-7R -> untuk 7 speed ada varian juga yang 8R ini menandakan 8 speed

untuk kiri juga pakai altus yang tipenya ST-EF60L, sedangkan RD biasa memakai shimano tourney... lalu FD memakai M310.

Harga: 4 / 5 soalnya beli 2nd ney.. untuk baru mungkin 2 juta lebih yak...
kalo dengan spesifikasi yang sekarang mungkin terlalu overprice yak...

Penampilan: 3/5 sekali lagi ini subjective abis.. saya kurang suka warnanya seh hitam2 gitu secara saya suka yang norak2 seperti warna kuning atau biru atau orange..

Performa: 4 / 5 wah mantap kalau untuk pemakaian dalam kota. Mungkin kalau mau bisa ganti ban yang aga2 tipis kale ya biar lebih mantap

Kualitas: 3 / 5 overall saya kurang puas dengan sadelnya lalu hub depan dan belakang. Dia belom pakai yang tinggal lepas gitu lho dia untuk buka bannya masi harus pakai kunci pas jadi kurang user friendly banget...

dan juga rem depan sama belakang merek logan? apaan ya...
tapi kalo dipakai sehari2 seh gak jadi masalah koq... tetap menggenggam erat di bannya.. Lalu yang buat saya gregetan adalah pedalnya abal2 abis...

Kesimpulan: Wah puas abis terlepas dari kekurangan - kekurangan yang ada di kualitas ternyata dia itu punya kekuatan di kaki2nya lho...

o ya kalo mo beli sepeda ini pertama kali seh saya sarankan ganti sadel tuw sama pedalnya biar lebih enak dan menggigit ngegoesnya...

beberapa gambar ney dari sepeda baru gue...

nah fork depannya ney... pake merek zoom asli import dari cina woo..

sadelnya kurang enak bros.. ada pernya gitu denk jadi kalo duduk membel2 gitu ini yang jadi concern gue ney kalo ada doku bulan depan ganti sadel sama beli komputer kecil buat catet jarak....

ini juga ney pedalnya juga masuk dalam rencana upgrade tapi gue mo cari 2nd aja ah biar murah.. hohohoho...

shimano tourney lho tapi kalo ada duit ganti deore gitu denkz... tetep aja mase mahal ney deore...

shifternya masi mumpuni koq...

dan full bike bros..

uda ngantuk banget gue...
abis nulis review ini lho...

Friday, June 27, 2008


Sepeda di Jakarta Kenapa gak?

cape juga coi mengoes dari rumah gue ke kantor hari ini..
Yah lumayan lha cari setitik keringet dari penatnya jakarta ini...
lumayan cepet juga koq dari ruma gue ke kantor paling cuma 45 menit doang koq. Emang santai jek..
sangat enak bersepeda lho.. Semua orang di Jakarta yang tinggal dan kerja di Jakarta harus mencoba kegiatan ini lho!

Kenapa kalo penghijauan uda basi kale ya issuenya!
Di Jakarta mo tanem pohon dimana coba lahannya uda gak ada sama sekali semua uda di beton orang bangunan tua aja mo di robohin GILA gak tuw!

dari pada orang2 gembar gembor penhijauan penghijauan di Jakarta Ah basi itu mendingan lo naek sepeda uda jelas banget lo ikut menghijaukan Jakarta dan mengurangi polusi coba setiap minggu ada orang yang naek sepeda aja 1 orang uda pasti Jakarta jadi kota yang enak buat di tinggalin denkz..

Ya tentunya mesti di dukung oleh regulasi juga oleh pemkot ney..
jakarta jangan kalah donk sama Surabaya dia orang uda punya bikeline tuw sama regulasi...

Friday, June 13, 2008


Yeah baby...

Finally I go to my office with my friends bike. Why not my bike because I don't have any bike. So I want to tried some sensational in my office so I rode a bike to my office. Plenty of exciting views that I have. Hoho...
when i was in the street I passed with some workers that rode their bike too to office and to work of course...

little bit smile and he also give me a smile..
just a ordinary code when you meet someone that have some similarities with you in this case you rode a bike and he also rode a bike..

Quite fun to rode a bike in the morning when the sun is still sleep in his bed or already wake up but still make up his face...

I really excited with this activity and I want to continue this activity..
first of all this activity doesn't cost any thing except your energy, no money added, you preserve your city with with reducing pollution..

cheers mate..
i post my helmet here..

Friday, May 30, 2008

Mass transportation in Jakarta

orhNeraka Jakarta

Kenapa judulnya begitu ya? Bukannya setiap orang itu tahu Jakarta itu neraka dengan orang2nya atau dengan udaranya yang menyengat kulit sumpah panasnya. Saya seharusnya menuliskan naskah ini kemarin. Inspirasi tiba2 saja muncul ketika sedang berada di busway. Langsung lah terbersit ide untuk menulis ini. Tapi apa daya ada sedikit pelacuran yang mesti di selesaikan.

Karena telpon sendang tidak ada dan keadaan kantor sedang lumayan santai jadi saya memutuskan untuk menuliskan ide ini. Mari kita mulai perjalanan penulisan ini.

Sapa suruh datang Jakarta. Mungkin itu phrase yang paling terkenal di seantero negeri ini. Petikan tersebut di populerkan oleh tidak jelas dan waktu pembuatan juga tidak di ketahui kapan adanya. Yang mendasari si pengubah lagu tersebut itu apa ya kira2. Apakah dia mendapatkan suatu pencerahan jadi bisa menggubah lagu yang sedemikian cocoknya dengan kondisi Jakarta. Urbanisasi sudah merajarela di ibukota ini. Laju pertumbuhan penduduk menjadi sangat tinggi. Tapi itu semua tidak dibarengi dengan infrastruktur yang memadai di kota tercinta ini.

Bisa kita lihat di pinggir2 jalan atau di sudut mana ibukota ini yang tidak ada gembel atau pedagang asongan atau setidaknya penarik grobak. Katanya ibukota menjanjikan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Tapi dalam prakteknya tidak ada kehidupan yang lebih baik kalau tidak punya pendidikan yang baik. Kalau pendidikan pas2an saja ya kehidupan di Jakarta ya pas2an saja. Pendidikan rendah ya tau sendiri pasti rendah tingkat kehidupannya. Semua berbanding lurus dengan pendidikan kalau makan gaji sama orang. Tapi itu semua bisa berbanding terbalik bila usaha sendiri. Tapi kalau tidak mempunyai mental yang kuat attitude yang baik itu semua percuma.

Ya suatu permasalahan yang dihadapi suatu kota megapolitan adalah transportasi publik. Dan Jakarta juga menghadapi masalah yang sama yaitu transportasi publik yang menyenangkan dan enak untuk di tempati oleh setiap warga yang ada di dalam kota ini. Cobalah pulang di Jakarta jam 5 sore lalu naik busway pasti setiap halte itu penuh dan apa yang dilakukan oleh para penyedia busway. Tidak menambah armada dan membiarkan penumpang menunggu begitu saja karena bus sangat lama sekali. Kenapa begitu karena ini di picu oleh kenaikan bahan bakar yang ada di Indonesia pertama, tapi ini bukan suatu alasan yang kuat karena mau naik atau tidak masyarakat tetap harus mendapatkan yang terbaik. Alasan kedua adalah armada yang kurang banyak dan kurang memadai. Mengapa begitu kita dapat lihat bisa kita kira2 karena bensin naik berarti orang2 harusnya mulai berpikir untuk menggunakan suatu transportasi murah yang menguntungkan.

Dalam opini saya ya busway ini cukup menguntungkan hanya dengan 3500 perak bisa keliling jakarta asal tetap di dalam halte. Bila saya menjadi operator busway aku akan mulai mengiklan besar2an karena ini merupakan suatu peluang yang sangat besar sekali. Mulai membujuk masyarakat pindah untuk naek ke busway secara otomatis busway rame dan keuntungan juga membeludak. Tapi kalau seperti sekarang ini orang juga males kaleeee...

Antrian dimana2 lalu armada yang sedikit wah sangat2 menyedihkan sekali ya belum tertata rapi. Lalu pada jam2 tertentu terjadi lonjakan penumpang yang cukup drastis. Ya pada jam2 itu lha harus di tambah kali. Biar orang2 gak males naek busway.

laper ney makan dulu kale ya...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008



Shit I got an accident on last Monday. A stupid motorbike was hit in my back of my vespa. After that crash i got my front lamp broke into pieces and than I got my hip injured. That incident can be avoided if that stupid motorbike is slowing his speed. The chronicles is just i post here the story is my version the victim version!

At Monday night I was gone to my house riding my Vespa from my office at Kramat. I was passing my ordinary way trough west medan merdeka - budi kemuliaan - kesehatan - roxy - tomang - S. Parman ( Taman Anggrek ) And that accident is happen. After I turn right under the tomang highway there was stupid car and with his stupid driver and also stupid motor rider with his stupid motorcyle. I truly agree with statement that Jakarta road his like hell? Why some people usually quote that statement ? Because if you were riding neither motorbike or car you will be annoyed with the traffic Jam or the hole that was there because that flood or something has broke it.

Lets continue with the story. After passing Taman Anggrek suddenly a stupid car was break and I also break along that car but there was stupid motorbike there's no break and no eyes with no brain. He not follow the rythm of breaking the vehicle. Because he not following the rhytm of the flow there will be miss conduct of the rythm. And that shit is happen.

yeah forget it I don't have any wound is only chafed in my hip. Now i'm in my office right now i'm not ride my vespa. I'm using busway to go to my office. Is quite interesting using a busway to my office. Is very cozy if the bus is on time and had many bus too. Because in Harmoni Central Busway I see long queue in Block M direction and the bus is so scant.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Jakarta Anarchy

Why am I post my blog with that such of title? Its simple answer. I will write down all the "why" in here. First of all if you lived in Jakarta and your coming to office in 0630 you will have that anarchy. Fuck that bike and cars they horned in single stop and that make me nuts man!

And also that traffic jam in every single day. Even if you was coming to home in 4 o'clock it seems that no change at all. Hmph If you work in Jakarta you will be stress out with this town situation. Let's say if you're have that pressure you can't perform very much in your work. Especially if your work need very high concentration. But also that is depends on your work situation too.

Wow I already 3 weeks in my workplace right now. Actually I love this job. It doesn't just NBA whom can have that slogan I love this game I also had that too.

I've dreamed every day what if every single inhabitant in this Jakarta city was using that public transport or even going work using bike. Why bike because it prevent global warming, saving your money and makes you body more healthy. I've observe this inhabitant in Jakarta why they prefer using private vehicle because our public transportation is not good enough..

must go now because I want to play soccer and go to Atmajaya...

so long dear follow readers!
have a good read in my post...

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Indonesian Film

Indonesian Film

Yesterday, I watched 3 kingdoms for the second time. Yes, the second time the first one I watched at Friday and at Saturday I watched again midnight of course with my other friend in other place too. Wow that film is really good movie. The full title of that film is 3 kingdoms : resurection of the dragon. This film is mainly told about the kingdom Shu in Romance of 3 Kingdoms. But in that film you can watch the plot where Zhao Zilong or you also know as Zhao Yun is became famous. Is there where in Battle of Changban, where Liu Bei was attacked by Tsao Tsao and he force to flee Liu Bei's wife also his little boy. After that battle Zhao Zilong became very - very famous because he saved Liu Bei's child.

In that film Zhao Zilong was portrayed by Andy Lau. Very charismatic actor, he can steal the watcher heart. Zhao Zilong in this film is super duper character. He is obviously complex who can do everything himself.

But after I watched that film I think. Why, our film Indonesian film can't do such things just like that China film? Romance of three kingdoms is a epic film and history novel. Why we just don't produced just like Prahara di langit majahpahit? Or Amukti Palapa. I've found some similarities between that Zhao Zilong character on film and Gajah Mada one of the greatest warlord in Indonesia. They are strong willing and have sworn to unite their countries.

I waited so long in here. When some director in Indonesia just like John de Rantau or Riri Reza to filming that majahpahit epic or Kediri. Why? China can do that why Indonesia can't do that?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Working again

Working again?

what I don't believe I was working again. Now I worked at media now, IT magazine. PC media and infolinux. The dynamic duo is now the biggest computer magazine in Indonesia right now!

Right now I'm working as System Admin at present now. But I don't know in a few month again what I will be. In my first day that means in previous hour ago, I think the working environment is nice and good for me. The people on that magazine is ready to assist me whenever there was a problem. Yes, I was a newbie that trying to learn everything about IT.

So, the best way to learning something is you associate with that community. In this case is associate with the press that publishing the computer magazine. Uuuh I feel great man!
But after I learn that IT thing I must write it again to help somebody who want to learn it!

Why, I'm feeling great? Because in this community I will have many things not much but many things or plenty to work and to learn. I got my first lesson in past previous hour in cisco router. Wow that was a very2 long time I don't touch the router thing and everything that have connection with computer and the network..

My office work hour is 7 a.m until 16 p.m. Yes, baby 7 o'clock in the morning just like student. Ahh.. I feel just like I enjoy my high school time...

shit man it almost 10 p.m got to sleep now....

Saturday, March 15, 2008



Yes, finally my monitor has been resurrected again once more. Before it became resurrect it can't watch every single movie that I had been downloaded from the internet. What a mess and a bored thing in front of my computer. You can't even see a picture clearly. The picture was very dark and you can't even sure what color was it? Very very obvious isn't it?

After my long journey from my house to Mangga 2 and vice versa also this day, very - very hectic traffic jam in Jakarta, and a lot of road damage in this beautiful city of pollution. With my big fat mercedes whom can travel around all over big cities in Indonesia.
In my way home I saw plenty of uniqueness in the road. From children that play around bellow the railway. Beggars around Jakarta. And this is the common view that around Jakarta is the traffic jam and the flood. Although the beggars is begging I don't see any of their suffer about this life in their eyes. Is frequently different from us, when you don't have any job or maybe your work have stress you up, and then your face had that kind of aura that makes people to avoid you.

Just like me. I'm just an ordinary man without job a.k.a jobless and still waiting the answer of Panasonic Gobel. I don't know why I still really enjoyed this era of my jobless. I already not unemployed almost 4 month from my resignation from Admosphere Creative Communications. Maybe I just picky with my jobs. Some of companies is already accepted me to joined with them, but I don't know I don't have any passion to join with them or sometimes you called it chemistry with the company.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


pa·tient [pey-shuhnt]

Is one of the adjective words in English. That word has meant
characterized by or expressing such a quality. But in ordinary life that word is difficult to apply. Only several people can do that, but some people patient is defined as not trying at all. Several people too defined as trying hard giving everything you got and if there was failure you must trying more harder harder and harder again. I write this article is inspired by one of my auntie friends.

My auntie friend was a man come from somewhere out there. Come to Jakarta want to go to college and than he wasn't have enough money to support his study. So he was working in his uncle store. And than that store become bigger and bigger.

This word is also can be apply in real word. Especially for job seekers just like me. Why? sometimes if you can't find suitable job for you and than you became so sooo depressed. The key for this suitable is passion with analytical think in every decision.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Late night


Yes that is the titled of my post now. It's late night now but you can guess now it's early morning. In my computer clock is now almost 2 o'clock in morning. I've been inspired to write this blog again because of one song Dwiki Dharmawan - Nuansa. After listening that song blup!! and than my inspiration has gone out from my brain. That song is really calming out my soul. In this early morning when every body has fallen to sleep also my doggies too. But now I'm still woke up to creating words by words paragraph by paragraph to write a good post.

I'm confused with life. Life is a complex cycle in a part of everybody that have breath. What is the meaning of life? Why I still can't find the essence of life? Some people said that life is easy. Also some people is also said life is though. Sometimes I also feel life is so harsh to me but sometimes I feel life is too easy to me. But I my dream I want life to harsh to me in these days until I reach age 35. Because After that year of age I don't want to be bound with any company. I want to life free as boss of my little business. I know that age maybe is the hardest age of human life. In that age your child or children maybe entering elementary school and that will cost a lot off money. I shall not fear because in that age I will be wealthy in this country.

Yesterday, I have conversation with my girlfriend about marriage. I never thought about marriage before. I'm still young and have plenty of dreams. Just like Verdi said on Nabucco Opera 3rd act Va', pensiero, sull'ali dorate ( Fly, thought, on wings of gold ). I thought marriage is still far far away beyond the stars behind. I wanted to follow my dreams. I must full fill my parents destiny first. After that I will think about marriage and everything.

I think now I must find a job first and must patient with the pressure with it. Collecting money cent by cent and turn over the money to gain more money! I'm still searching good business to start and through it. Maybe if that business has relation with pet, it might pleased me!

Got to dream now..
it is in early morning man I must go to sleep after that wake up and than repair my monitor to Mangga 2

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Early Morning

Morning on This Day

my title is just like one of the Slank's song Morning in Jakarta. Yes, that is! I've been inspired to write this section during my wake up this early morning. Because I often to wake up this morning. Usually I get up only 8 o'clock. I woke up early today because some moslem wake up me with that speaker pray for Allah. The speaker is so loud so I got up. After that sound is finished I can't go to bed anymore so I start writing this blog.

Actually woke up in morning is good for your health. I read about that article somewhere in forum or in web. Because if you woke up in morning the air is more cleaner than in morning just like at 7 o'clock. In Jakarta by that hour, is already polluted everywhere and traffic jam everywhere too. If you woke up maybe at 5 o'clock or 4 o'clock in Jakarta tries to have little jogs or even you can take a walk with your doggies or if you don't have any doggies maybe you take a little walk around your neighborhood. Is Actually fresh isn't? That's why some people is tend to wake up in this early morning.

Sometimes we need fresh air to get inside our lungs. Maybe for fresher our lungs and clean our lungs from the polluted air that you have been inhaled before your got up to bed or in a day. Also fresh air in morning can swift up your blood in your brain, maybe because of that your brain will become more smarter than before. Who knows about that myth?

Saturday, February 16, 2008


Dwarf in Indonesia

*Dwarf's hand

Maybe you never meet any single dwarf in Indonesia. But I've found one in Indonesia in Jakarta precisely. As you can see in my picture dwarf have very small finger. But they can still doing some jobs with their small hand. Their height isn't till 1,4 meters tall. The average tall for dwarf is between 1 m till 1,1 m. Is very tiny height compare with us.
I found this dwarf when I went home to my house. As usual I went home passing Tanjung Duren flyover and that turn left to Jl. Angsana in that point not far from pastel Yandi, I found tiny little man with his cart that had broken wheel.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

UFO ( Unidentified Flying Object )

*an UFO in Jakarta

Wow I have very thrilled experience! I was seeing an Unidentified Flying Object. People have been known also with acronym UFO. This is the story about my meeting with UFO. I was very afraid when meet that spaceship very huge spaceship. Just like flying saucer, just like film. I think I was dreaming in my sleep.

This is my story.....
When I was riding my Vespa scooter in front of SMU 78. I think that I was midnight 12 o'clock. Suddenly there was a flashing light very - very bright light dazzled my eyes. And then I step aside with my scooter, I'm trying to get more closer to that awesome view. After I step closer and more closer, that ship had lowered their door there was something weird come out from that ship. The passenger was going out from that ship, what a really awesome view. And the passengers were beautiful women with sexy dress ( some lingerie and other dress that I think that was a sexy dress ). You know what they can speak with our language ( Indonesian because I'm in Indonesia ) and they have sexy voices.

Wow if you're normal man you must be very attracted with them. Beside the woman passengers they also have the man passengers. Isn't have very much differences the man passengers is also have very dandy appearance. After they were walking down from their spaceship and then they investigating the neighborhood. Shit happen!

I was caught by one of that sexy women!
I don't know why she can catch me. I was hiding from them not very nearly their landing site but very secure place to hide. After I get caught and then they interrogate me.
They asked what is your motive to spying us?
and they also ask did anyone else beside me knowing about this landing?

After tough negotiation I was released to my habitat. But I think I was brainwashed by their machine. Because after that occurrence I don't remember any single thing about that ship. But I was lucky after they release me I can take photo with my camera their space ship..
what an awesome experience!

I tell a very huge lie. My story is a bull with full of shit. That picture was a lamp in MTA isn't cool that lamp? Just like flying saucer isn't it?
That's why I write this story...

Friday, February 08, 2008


Ini ada lagu bagus seh gak tau ini lagu apa ya??
kayanya seh lagu rohani gitu...

Judulnya seh Doa Mengubah segala sesuatu

Saat keadaan sekelilingku ada diluar kemampuan ku
Kuberdiam diri mencari - Mu
Doa mengubah segala sesuatu

Saat kenyataan didepanku mengecawakan perasaan ku
ku menutup mata memandangMu
Sebab doa mengubah segala sesuatu

Doa orang benar bila didoakan dengan yakin dan besar kuasaNya
Dan tiap doa yang lahir dari iman berkuasa menyelamatkan

Seperti batang air yang ditangan Mu
mengalir kemanapun kau mau
tiada yang mustahil di mata Mu
doa mengubah segala sesuatu

Doa orang benar bila didoakan dengan yakin dan besar kuasaNya
Dan tiap doa yang lahir dari iman berkuasa menyelamatkan

Bener seh..
kalo lo percaya sesuatu dan sesuatu itu pasti bakal kejadian..
the law of attraction seh..


Kerja apaan tuw?
Wah itu mungkin salah satu kata yang gak bisa di gambarkan oleh orang2 ya??

Kerja itu sebuah kata tapi harus ada kata keterangannya biar bisa menggambarkan apa yang sedang dikerjakan?

Kata orang itu cari kerja susah tapi menurut gue seh gak juga koq..
kalo cari kerja susah tapi koq banyak lowongan kerja? Kalo banyak lowongan kerja berarti harusnya orang2 itu gak ada yang pengangguran donk?

Emang ada faktor2 lain yang mempengaruhi. Tapi wajar koq kalo kerja ada persyaratannya..
Orang masuk kuliah aja ada koq bukan sekedar duit aja tapi permurnian diri book untuk hidup yang lebih baek...
Filasafatnya kalo diri lo emang murni oleh pekerjaan yang lo tekuni itu otomatis pasti akan keliatan buahnya koq..
dan gue ngomong itu yang kearah baik lho... Bukan ke arah buruk..
kalo lo menanam yang buruk pasti kejadian yang buruk denkz akan terjadi kita berkaca pada hukum karma aja denkz..

Kenapa gitu..
kalo lo berbuat buruk dalam suatu hal entah apa pun itu pasti akan membuat alam ini ataupun diri lo menjadi gak seimbang..
Untuk meyeimbangkan kadar itu makanya suatu saat juga terjadi ketidak seimbangan pada diri lo sendiri yang disebabkan orang laen..
tapi pangkal permasalahannya itu pasti dari diri lo sendiri...

Dan sekarang gue mengalami dilema tersebut ney...
gila jek gue keterima kerja lage tinggal ambil aja ney surat buat medical check up..
trus tinggal beresin surat2 trus keterima denkz..
tapi gue bingung ney apa gue mesti terima ato gak ya??
gue uda nolak kerjaan itu banyak juga lho..
gue cari yang sreg aja sama gue kalo ada yang gak sreg pasti gue tinggal..
emang sedikit idealis!
Tapi kalo gue kerja gue mo memurnikan diri gue jek.. Bukan kerja sekedar kerja doang gue mau kerja tapi gue mempunyai suatu prestasi yang dapat di banggakan..

Waktu di Admosphere tuw kalender ADR kata2nya gue karang tuw..
gila walaupun gue gak ada latar belakang sastra atau apa gitu tapi tetep aja gue karang..
karena gue mau karya gue itu selalu di pajang dan orang bener2 liat..
ya setidaknya kalo kalender itu buat 1 taon kedepan lha ya...
sampe ganti kalender aja..

Monday, February 04, 2008

My dialog with Indonesian first president

*Very charismatic picture

Yesterday night when I fell to sleep and I was dreaming I meet with Indonesia founding father. Ir. Sukarno, in my dream he was wearing a white shining shirt. Very very dandy person what a charming and very charismatic person.

He coming to my house and asked me if I had time to chat around with him. I was very pleased with his invitation.

After that I get change my shirt into a proper shirt and than we were going with his Buick. What a cool car and we heading to Bogor palace. That Bogor palace was his favorite place for him to hang out beside the Tampaksiring palace in Bali.

After I arrived in Bogor we starting to make conversation..
me ( SA ) and Ir. Sukarno ( BK ).

SA :
Mr. President I would ask about your vision to this country?

BK :
The vision this country is mostly in Pancasila ( the Five precepts ) the five principle is explained about this vision of this country. The Pancasila enclose every thing this country need. And this Pancasila is unity from every major philosophy that Indonesian people had. This Pancasila is symbolize the culture of Indonesian people had. Me and my team have formulated every aspect that Indonesian people had. And Indonesia is the only nation in this world that had Pancasila!I've told to international congress Pancasila is universal root!And Pancasila can be used by everyone who had nation can used Pancasila as their nation root!

SA :
Wow that's awesome Mr. president
BK :
Yes, definitely I want this nation and country equal as the other country in this world

SA :
Mr. President you have been criticized about your form of leadership. You not allowed any western culture to adapted in Indonesia?

BK :
No. I'm not denying any culture to be adapted in this country. Why I must denying that culture? With that culture we can enrich our nation culture?
But, I don't want this nation abandoned their culture! I know Indonesian person is very fragile to every culture that come in to this country and our people adapted very very unripe. They don't adapted with our culture very well.

SA :
How is your view now about this country after 38 years of death? What is the differences between Indonesia in your leadership and after your leadership?

BK :
Hm... (*sigh) I've told to this country to be BERDIKARI ( Berdiri diatas kaki sendiri or autonomy ). If this country listen to me about that BERDIKARI now this country must be a good country! The United States or any of that imperialism countries will afraid with us! After I die this country didn't well learn! Why I tell that because in Suharto leadership our country is feed with international debt. And our people had to pay it I don't know when that debt end. Very - very ashamed!
There was Indonesian proverb bersakit - sakit dahulu bersenang2 kemudian. If we contrive that proverb I think this country will be a good country and pass Malaysia, Singapore or even USA. Our country is a rich country! What don't we have? We had a very broad land, we had staple corp! But we don't have good people to manage that goods..

to be continued...

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Jakarta Historical Museum

Museum Sejarah Jakarta

Wow tadi gue pegi ke museum sejarah Jakarta..
acaranya seh quite boring..
kenapa seh gue bilang boring..
  1. Karena peserta yang membeludak dan cuma dibagi jadi 2 kelompok besar ini membuat sebagaian orang jadi membuat jelajah malam melalui museumnya sendiri
  2. Kurangnya guide jadi orang terkonsentrasi pada 2 bagian tersebut..
  3. Terlalu lama basa basi di dalam film dokumenter..
  4. Museum yang dijelajahi kurang begitu gereget karena kurangnya guide tersebut..
  5. Dan ketololan kita ga ada yang bawa kamera jadi tidak ada yang bisa mengabadikan moment2 di dalam museum...
Ya mungkin untuk kedepannya bisa diperbaiki lagi ya..

Sebenernya koleksi yang ada di dalam museum itu bagus2 koq cuma kurang dirawat aja ya..
Bener2 sayang lho tampaknya bangsa ini gak memperhatikan sejarahnya sendiri..
gak seru banget gak seh..
Seperti bangsa yang gak beradap sama sekali...

Banyak banget koleksi yang rusak di dalam museum tersebut..
dan pemerintah kota praja Jakarta yang bisa disebut sebagai PEMDA Jakarta dinas pariwisata..
duh tolong donk pak..
anggarannya di kucurkan untuk perbaikan dan revatilisasi dari koleksi2 museum di Jakarta ini lho...
Gila ini aset wisata yang sangat amat berharga sekali..
Sayang banget kalo gak di rawat gitu lho...

Tadi seh pegi dengan 4 orang temen Akbar, gue dan Stella. Jadi totalnya 7 orang. Sebenernya banyak banget yang mau ikut cuma dikarenakan cuaca yang buruk kemaren itu jadi banyak orang yang mengurungkan niatnya..

O ya hujan mulai turun kembali dengan derasnya lho..
untung aja gue uda pulang ke rumah ney dan juga sampai dengan selamat sentosa..

Friday, February 01, 2008

Flooding in Jakarta

Jakarta In Flood

*My brother feet and shoes in water that flooding Jakarta

Today in Jakarta was having heavy rain from 6 o'clock in the morning till maybe 4 in the afternoon I think..
I don't know precisely because after lunch I take a nap..

after I woke up the rain in here had been stopped. Maybe for a hour or more than hour..
And than I saw the news in television
wow what an awesome view..

In the main street of my house that can accessed to Tangerang and Merak there was flooding everywhere in that street...
damn the view just like in Venice if you have ever to go there...
Traffic jam everywhere and neither car nor bike can passed through that flood man..
Shit I've dejavu again with the past year in February last year

When this town still named Batavia ( the Dutch name for ancient Jakarta ) flood is also occurred in this lovely town. To prevent that flood submerged Batavia the Dutch built west flood canal ( Banjir Kanal Barat ) . That canal is similar with canal in Amsterdam ( In Dutch means under the dam ) because the geographical place of Jakarta.When the VOC ( Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie or United East Indian Company ) choose Batavia Peter Both ( former VOC Govenor General ) think this is strategic place because it is the estuaries of Ciliwung river and than many of little river pass trough Jakarta. That little river is a good nature defense of this town...

When time change this town never free from flood...
And now when it became the capitol of Indonesia flood is worse and worst again and again...
Oh my town...

I've some picture in Jakarta when it had been flooded..

That is in Taman Anggrek flyover..

Another Taman Anggrek flyover...

Wow the traffic jam in front of Taman Anggrek

hohoho... Do you feel in Venice of Asia?

Feel the traffic jam everybody?