Jakarta Anarchy
Why am I post my blog with that such of title? Its simple answer. I will write down all the "why" in here. First of all if you lived in Jakarta and your coming to office in 0630 you will have that anarchy. Fuck that bike and cars they horned in single stop and that make me nuts man!
And also that traffic jam in every single day. Even if you was coming to home in 4 o'clock it seems that no change at all. Hmph If you work in Jakarta you will be stress out with this town situation. Let's say if you're have that pressure you can't perform very much in your work. Especially if your work need very high concentration. But also that is depends on your work situation too.
Wow I already 3 weeks in my workplace right now. Actually I love this job. It doesn't just NBA whom can have that slogan I love this game I also had that too.
I've dreamed every day what if every single inhabitant in this Jakarta city was using that public transport or even going work using bike. Why bike because it prevent global warming, saving your money and makes you body more healthy. I've observe this inhabitant in Jakarta why they prefer using private vehicle because our public transportation is not good enough..
must go now because I want to play soccer and go to Atmajaya...
so long dear follow readers!
have a good read in my post...